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3 Ways to Build Healthy Relationships at Any Age

Guest Post • February 14, 2019

Here are some tips on building healthy relationships at any age.

Healthy relationships shouldn't be a privilege that's reserved for people of a certain age. If you've dealt with unhealthy relationships in the past, then you might feel a bit skeptical about your ability to have healthy relationships or if you even deserve to have them. No one should be disqualified from having healthy relationships. These tips will help you know what to look for in a healthy relationship, no matter what your age is.

Use Intimacy

Although it often has a romantic/sexual connotation, intimacy can be used to describe any sort of close relationship. Healthy relationships can only be achieved if people are willing to be vulnerable. Intimacy means you can reveal yourself to someone else without fearing judgment. It takes time for intimacy to develop. When a relationship becomes intimate, it's like something magical has happened. You feel comfortable doing and talking about just about anything with them. This takes time, so don't try to rush your way into intimacy. You'll eventually find your way to close and loving relationships.

Meet New People

You can't expect to have any relationships if you're not getting to know anybody. If you're frustrated or bored with the state of your current relationships, then get out of your shell and find other people to associate with. Look for environments where people are looking to socialize. You might want to use the internet, but actually going out can make a huge difference. For example, seniors looking to date prefer to meet new people face-to-face since they aren't focused on online dating criteria. It can be a bit intimidating to approach people out of the blue, but a friendly disposition and positive attitude can make a profound difference when it comes to your success.

Avoid One-Sided Relationships

Healthy relationships aren't ones where one person calls the shots exclusively. There needs to be give-and-take between both parties.

A one-sided relationship can't be healthy because it typically means someone has to suppress how he or she really feels. If you feel that your relationship is one being solely dictated by one person, then speak up or leave. Your time is invaluable and it shouldn't be wasted on people who aren't willing to respect you.

To have healthy relationships, you first need to ascertain that you're worthy of them. You might not be perfect, but you know that you'll be able to bring happiness to others. By believing in yourself and your ability to spread joy, you can find yourself in much better relationships.

If you want help in making a relationship work, couples therapy is a great option! Even healthy and functional relationships can benefit from couples therapy, because couples therapy can help people learn how to communicate better, establish boundaries, and create positive environments for each other.

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