Blog Post

Common Fears in Young Children and How to Overcome Them

Guest Post • July 17, 2019

Here are some thoughts on helping children overcome fears.

Common fears in young children are something that every parent needs to deal with when the time comes. Luckily, these fears can be easily quelled with some patience and willingness to approach the fear responsibly. Adults should use caution with their young children when showing them that there is nothing to fear when it comes to these modern issues.

Fear of Being Alone

The childhood fear of being alone is one of the most common. Children are very dependent on everyone for their vital needs. If they are left alone, they do not know what to do. You can reassure children they are never alone and give them a phone to always be in contact. Let them know they are always being cared for no matter what.

Fear of Starting School

Like the fear of being alone, many children feel anxiety about leaving home to start school. Whether their anxiety stems from separation anxiety or worries over making friends, starting school can be challenging for many young children. You can help ease anxieties by introducing your child to their teacher beforehand and researching schools for your child to attend. You can also prepare your child for the classroom by starting them in a primary school programbefore the start of kindergarten. The more you can do to prepare your child for school, the better off they will be.

Fear of Animals

Many children have a fear of animals if they are not used to being around them. Even common pets such as dogs and cats can instill fear if there was a trauma that was never dealt with after the fact. Of course, wild animals and bugs such as snakes, birds, and spiders are common sources of fear among children. The key is to show them that animals should be treated with care and teach them that there are many animals out there that won't hurt them. Give children stuffed animals and take them to a zoo to see various animals in a different, unintimidating habitat to help them overcome their fear.

Fear of the Bathroom

Many children have a fear of the bathroom. There are many urban legends of ghosts coming through the mirror passed down to kids from siblings. There are also those who do not like to be alone in a large room filled with many places to hide. The childhood fear of the bathroom is common, but it can be easily conquered if you take your child on a toilet tour showing them every aspect of the room. Let them leave the door open if they need to feel more secure. You might even need to stay with them a few times before they feel more comfortable to be alone. Fear of the bathroom can make potty training particularly difficult , but it will need to be confronted head on to make way for the future.

Common fears are easily dealt with if you know where to start. If your child is having a problem, just talk them through it to best deal with the issue. Build trust, and you can help them see beyond their fears with ease.

If your child is having problems with fear and anxiety, we can help. Book a counselling session for your child today!

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