Blog Post

Grieving in Isolation | Grief and Loss Counsellor Barrie

Nancy MacLachlan • February 1, 2021

How am I supposed to process this alone?

2020 brought a lot of changes for all of us. Whenever we go through a big change, or a loss, it’s possible to experience grief. Often loss involves saying goodbye to someone we love, but that could include a breakup, a child moving away, losing your pet, or losing an opportunity.

Changes and loss are part of life, but sometimes it can be difficult to process. Many of the things that normally help us process grief are experienced through community—talking with a friend, expressing feelings, sharing memories.

Isolation and lockdowns in the last year have compressed feelings of grief for a few reasons:

1)     Grieving in community has been difficult. We can’t meet together, offer hugs, share meals, talk, or support in the ways we usually do.

2)     Many losses of loved ones or opportunities have been virtual. With restrictions on hospital or nursing home visits, many losses feel surreal.

3)     Life celebrations and gatherings have been limited because of COVID-19

4)     Our world is mostly virtual, making it hard to feel like losses are real.

COVID-19 has made it feel like we aren’t able to honour losses in our lives. But it is important to make space for grief.

Here are a few ideas that may help process a loss:

1)     Phone a friend to express your feelings. If you’re having hard time, tell someone you trust.

2)     Keep a journal to explore your thoughts, and list things that bring you gratitude and joy.

3)     Memorialize your grief in some way—this may be a ceremony of some kind, a donation on behalf of someone you’ve lost, or making a photo book or memory box

4)     Avoid unhealthy habits such as drinking or eating to suppress pain

5)     Find what works for you

If you’re finding it challenging to process your grief, we are here to help. We can guide you through ways of understanding your grief, acknowledging the loss and finding healthy ways to adjust. As you reconcile the loss you may find it easier to remember with less pain.

You can book using our online system by clicking here or you can call 705-300-0077.  

Photo Credit: Kat J on Unsplash

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