Blog Post

How Stress Can Manifest as Physical Symptoms

Shane Serra • February 28, 2022

We have all experienced it—that overwhelming feeling that you simply have too much to accomplish, too much to remember, and too many errands to run. That’s right, we’re talking about stress. Stress is a natural response to our surroundings and life, and a healthy amount can even help us to stay focused on our tasks and summon the energy necessary to take them on. But left unchecked, stress can also be a debilitating source of negative energy, even causing negative physical symptoms. Here are a few ways that stress can manifest itself through physical symptoms so you can spot too much stress early on.


A common way that stress can manifest as a physical symptom is frequent and painful headaches. If it feels like your head is hurting, and not because of a lack of water, it might be because of your stress. According to Excedrin , stress headaches can be caused by a few different physical mechanisms and reactions to stress, like carrying tension in your neck and shoulders. Stress headaches can also be caused by changes to your blood vessels caused by your body's fight or flight response. If you are starting to get more headaches than normal, keep an eye on your stress.

Digestive Issues

Another way that stress can manifest itself through physical symptoms is through digestive issues. Yes, surprisingly, stress can impact all systems of your body, including your digestive system, disrupting the rhythm and flow your body is used to. Upset stomach, cramps, decreased appetite, nausea, and other digestive health issues could be a sign of unchecked stress. But luckily, your digestive system offers ways to help with stress as well. According to Granite Peaks Gastroenterology , foods that reduce cortisol like salmon and almonds may help reduce stress.

Chest Pain

And finally, another way that your stress may manifest as a physical symptom is through chest pain. According to Healthline , stress responses are a major chemical reaction in your body that can have implications as serious as chest pain. This can be caused by two things; one is an increase in blood pressure and pulse that can cause a sensation of pain in your chest. The other is the increased tension you may be carrying in your chest due to stress. If you are noticing that you are sore or tense in your chest, it may be your stress talking to you.

Nobody likes dealing with stress. Stress can feel debilitating and harmful mentally, emotionally, and even physically. Keep an eye out for these three physical symptoms of stress so that you can manage your stress as best as possible.

Read this next: How My Physical Body Responds to Trauma

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