Blog Post

Make Realistic Resolutions | Counselling and Coaching in Barrie

Kathleen Tsang • December 19, 2020

With these tips you can make your resolutions stick this year!

January makes us excited for fresh starts, new beginnings, and a chance to realign our values and goals.

We all know the plans to workout at the gym three times a week can get foiled. Sometimes we push ourselves to hard, too fast and burn out. Or, like last year, things out of our control like a global pandemic can derail our good intentions.

We’re here to talk about how to make those good plans STICK. How can I make plans that are foolproof and foil-proof?

The truth is things are always going to happen that are out of our control. But if we have some good planning to support our midnight napkin-scribbled resolutions, we can set ourselves up for success.

Here are 4 ways to create resolutions that will actually happen:

  1. Make SMART Resolutions Have you used this goal-setting method before? Choose goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Make goals that fit your life and that you know you can accomplish.
  2. One at a Time--We are creatures of habit. Pick one goal that you can start on today. Give yourself time to make that part of your daily life before you start adding another goal.
  3. Create a timeline—when in the year do you hope to accomplish these goals? Are some of them seasonal or more realistic during certain months of work? It probably won’t be easy to start everything at once—stagger your goal-starting on your calendar and set reminders.
  4. Schedule your goals—Map out your daily and weekly schedule. If you don’t have space in your week, then your goal isn’t going to happen. Likewise, if your days are already packed, how are you going to fit in a workout?

By setting resolutions that work for your life, you’re setting yourself up for success.

If planning ahead feels daunting or if you’re feeling stuck, we’re here to help. You can book a session online or by calling 705-300-0077

Photo Credit: Green Chameleon on Unsplash

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