Blog Post

Watch for the Warning Signs of These 3 Behavioral Addictions

Guest Post • October 9, 2018

The opioid crisis is making headlines, but addiction to certain behaviors can have the same symptoms as drug dependency. Startling new research shows that for some people, activities like gambling, eating and watching porn can become compulsive, causing frightening changes in brain structure and function that leave them trapped in a cycle of behavior they can’t control.

If you are struggling with one of these behaviors, but aren’t sure if it’s an addiction, watch for these warning signs:

Eating Addictions

Studies show that like some drugs, eating food high in fat, salt, and sugar causes an increase in brain chemicals that create powerful feelings of pleasure. For some people, this triggers an unhealthy cycle of overeating. Yale University researchers have identified these signs of food dependency :

  • Constantly thinking about eating
  • Having more when you’re already full
  • Hiding food indulgences
  • Giving up favorite activities that aren’t food-related
  • Feeling anxious when trying to adopt healthy eating habits
  • If you are unable to resist the temptation of food that’s harming your health, it’s possible you have an eating addiction.

Pornography Addictions

Research shows that more than 50 percent of men who watch porn say it’s had a negative impact on their lives. Signs of porn addiction include:

  • Being less aroused by partners
  • Accessing porn at work when it’s prohibited
  • Relying on it to change your mood
  • Resorting to increasingly aggressive pornography to feel satisfied
  • Continuing to watch it despite severe consequences

Porn addiction can lead to an increasing sense of loneliness and various other symptoms and side effects. If you feel a disconnect in your relationships with others, porn may be playing a role.

Gambling Addictions

As many as ten million people in the United States suffer from gambling addiction, and the line between normal gambling and dependency can be hard to identify. These are the most common signs:

  • Stealing money to gamble
  • Getting behind on bills because of losses
  • Lying to family and friends about your gambling habits
  • Constantly thinking about gambling
  • Rationalizing the effect your behavior has on others

What causes the compulsion to gamble isn’t clear, but if you are seeing the signs, help is available.

The good news is that recognizing these warning signs is the first step toward recovery. Treatments as simple as talk therapy can help you if you suffer from these behavioral addictions. When you’re ready, seek confidential, professional help. You don’t have to do it alone.

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