Blog Post

Do I Need a Second Opinion Regarding My Mental Health?

Guest Post • March 4, 2020

Both your mental and physical health deserve adequate attention and proper care. That's why it's important to seek a second opinion if you are struggling with mental health issues. There are benefits to making sure you and your doctor know what is going on. Foremost among them is finding the proper treatment.

Diagnosis or Educated Guess?

Doctors don't set out to intentionally misdiagnose patients. To provide information, they rely on the knowledge they have and the symptoms they can see. However, hidden symptoms they don't ask about can result in a misdiagnosis. If you aren't being treated for the right mental health problem, you're unlikely to get better.

An accurate diagnosis is vital. Seeking a second opinion allows you to talk to another practitioner and find out if they know more about the topic than the one who gave you the previous professional opinion. You can compare the information you receive from both and form a better idea of how to move forward.

Benefits of a Second Opinion

When obtaining information regarding their mental health, 49% never seek a second opinion. This is unfortunate since so many mental health symptoms can overlap and result in a misdiagnosis. If you want to make sure to get to the root of your problem, it's best to seek more than one expert opinion.

Seeking out a second opinion should not offend your initial therapist. You can tell them your concerns and explain why you think you need more information. Most therapists understand that it's hard to start treating a condition if the patient feels unsure about the diagnosis. Obtaining a second opinion that lines up with the first one may give you the confidence to start a treatment plan. If you find out the second opinion doesn't agree with the first, then you know more digging needs to be done before you commit to a diagnosis.

Symptom Overlap

Our bodies and minds work together. This means our physical health can affect our mental health and vice versa. If you have a doctor who diagnoses you with a physical illness but doesn't take into account how this could affect you mentally, that's a problem. It's also wise for a doctor diagnosing you with anxiety or depression to rule out physical ailments that can exacerbate your symptoms. Getting a second opinion means you have a better chance of working with a healthcare professional who will view your well-being holistically.

When it comes to your mental health, don't take any chances. You should be able to feel like your best self. Seek out a second opinion to ensure you will be treated properly.

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