Blog Post

How Parents Can Combat Back to School ANXIETY

Kathleen Tsang • August 12, 2020
Many of you are hustling hard to get your kids ready for school. This isn’t a fun task at the best of times—after all, you’re trying to enjoy your summer and make the most of vacation. But now you’re buying PPE for your 10 year old, or maybe frantically creating a plan for home-based learning. You barely kept it together from March to June and the thought of going back is overwhelming. 

Anxiety may be keeping you going right now. But it’s not sustainable for the long run. 

Here are 5 ways to keep that stress in check and feel more in control: 

1) Check in with your body. How are things going? Are you noticing any tension or tingling? Try squeezing your muscles, holding, then releasing. Another technique is to breathe deeply into your belly allowing it to expand, holding for a few seconds, then breathing out “Ahhhh!”

2) Try to reduce screen time. It’s easy after a long day with the kids to switch off and veg in front of the TV or scroll social media. But are there other activities that could help you feel rejuvenated? A soak in the tub or even 20 min pulling weeds or sitting in the backyard might help your body and mind to relax.

3) Keep things simple. Are there school supplies your child can use from last year? This may reduce stress by saving you time and money. Are there ways of organizing lunch and snacks to make your life easier? Maybe meal prepping for the week could work for your family. 

4) Focus on the present. There are lots of theories about how this virus may spread or resurface. The good thing right now is that the numbers have been decreasing. Rather than worrying about what could happen, we can continue best practices and hope for the best.

5) If you need help, get help. If you’re having panic attacks, or anxiety that lasts more than 2 weeks, it may be time to seek professional help. A counsellor can hear you out and suggest ways to address your concerns. 
Here’s to a smooth return to school!

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Photo by Sai De Silva on Unsplash

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